Fete Lifestyle Magazine May 2016 - Art Issue | Page 45

In 2002, the Archbishop of Canterbury commissioned her to create a piece of sculpture for the Queen of England in honor of her Golden Jubilee. That sculpture, He Has the Whole World in His Hands, is on permanent display in London’s Lambeth Palace. Mimi states, “I feel that my sculptures promote peace and joy and are like acupuncture points on our beautiful planet.”

Then she was gifted with the idea for her painting, The Tsunami of Love. Here she tells the story of her inspiration much better than my words could ever relate: https://youtu.be/mA3yqBMjgow

You too can help spread love and peace around the globe. In her words, “A wave of love travels around the globe. Every day it begins with you and me. In the morning upon awakening and at night before you go to sleep, breathe in a breath of love into your heart and then breathe out a giant TSUNAMI OF LOVE to the world. Join me!” Try it for yourself with this 10-minute Tsunami of Love meditation: https://youtu.be/JQk-afzsO3M

To learn more about Mimi Sammis and her vision of peace, check out her PBS special on Sculpting Peace. https://youtu.be/L9b2VxEg5n4