Fete Lifestyle Magazine March 2024 - Men's Issue | Page 76

What is your ultimate goal with Elevator Music?

Ultimately, I like to leave a lot of room for creative spontaneity as well. I believe that's what makes the idea fun and fresh for us, our audience, and the artists we feature. This isn't a major label or big corporate company with tons of backing. It's a relatively small team of friends and local creatives coming together to bring our ideas into reality, all in the name of our love for music, film, and production. That's not to say that we don't have quarterly objectives or big picture goals; we do. But it's nice to let the creative process do its thing, to listen to each other, try new things, and see where that takes us organically. With [my team], I feel extremely confident in our future endeavors with Elevator Music, some of which we are going to introduce in 2024!

As a man in the music industry, what sets you apart?

It's important as men in the music industry that we hold each other accountable and lead by example. These are the principles I stand by and

value in my daily interactions and work. My mother always told me actions speak louder than words, so my true answer to this question can only be demonstrated in my past, current, and future work within this industry and in collaboration with others.

This is the men's issue, we want to know what male role model has impacted you the most?

My father, Stan Wozniak, is someone I've looked up to ever since I can remember. I would dress up in a suit and pretend to be on the phone talking business, just like him, even before I knew how to talk. I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am now without his guidance, support, and love. To quote my dad, 'I count my blessings by my failures.' This is something I think about every day as I pursue ventures in my life. He is cut from a cloth that we just don't see much of anymore in this current generation, unfortunately. He's loyal, can admit his wrongs, takes a stand for what he believes in, works hard, supports his family and community, all while making you laugh and feel taken care of. It's rare to see, and I'm extremely blessed to call him my father.

For more information on Mickey and Elevator Music check out www.elevatormusic.live

And to watch more of my interviews check out whitneyreynolds.com.