he most important relationship
you will have is the one with
yourself. Becoming your own
best friend is a commitment to choose unconditional love… for yourself. Regardless of your childhood, life experiences, or negative programming, you can choose to love yourself and become your own best friend. Beginning a relationship with yourself starts by acknowledging the truth that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
From the time you are born you are programmed to form beliefs about yourself in relationship to others and to the world. The human experience focuses on the external world. As a human being, you experience life through your physical senses; what you can see, touch, smell, taste, and hear. Much of what you believe about yourself comes from your external experience.
You are also a spiritual being. The spiritual experience focuses on what is internal. Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings are a part of your internal experience. You have a conscious, subconscious, and superconscious mind. You can feel an array of emotions both high and low. As a spiritual being, you have the potential to experience life through your intuitive sense. Nurturing your spirit takes inner work. Doing the inner healing begins with unconditional self-love.
As a Psychologist this is what I have learned about loving yourself and becoming your own best friend.
1. Trust yourself. Trusting yourself means knowing that your true nature and instinct is towards life. Your mind is designed to keep you alive and protect you by any means necessary. Your body is designed to heal itself. Trusting yourself means following your intuition or inner knowing. Have you ever had a feeling that something is either right or wrong. You can’t explain the feeling, but your body instinctively responds and pulls you in the direction of what is true. Trusting yourself means following your intuition because it comes from the highest source of intelligence that loves you unconditionally and is always working to support your highest good. I often say, “Your intuition is God’s way of communicating with you to keep you safe and lead you towards your life’s purpose.”