Once we let go of adventure as only being something we can experience if we’re far from home, and we take it on as a willingness to look at the world in new ways, new opportunities show up- right where we are. You don’t have to have an unlimited bank account or a passport and plane ticket in hand to have an adventure. You just have to be willing to try something (or see something) new.
When we start looking, we can see that opportunities for microadventures abound. It’s as simple as climbing up a new lookout in the neighborhood to watch the sun go down or getting up early and watching the sunrise from a view that you would normally just pass by. The beauty of travel is often in the exposure to new tastes and smells. So why not plan a microadventure by visiting a local ethnic market and buying foods that maybe you’ve never even heard of before. Create a microadventure by finding new ways to spend the night outside: leave to go camping after work Friday with as little planning as possible, or even just pull out the sleeping bag (or mattress) and sleep under the stars in your own back yard. Search for daytrips nearby and go on one, maybe even dare yourself to go on a microadventure alone.
Microadventures will help to unleash your creativity and inspire your imagination- not to mention, probably help you to fall back in love with the magic of the world around you. What microadventure are you going to go on?