Photos by Erick Tomasson and Matt Trent
Maybe you feel it in your bones, maybe it calls to you. That deep longing to experience the different flavors of life, to see the world anew. The desire for adventure. So often, though, we speak of adventure only in terms of the grand ones we read about in books or see in movies, or the trips our friends take (that secretly make us a bit green with envy), or that can only occur on the occasion that we’re finally able to leave for some faraway place.
But not all of us have the luxury or ability to regularly put our jobs and lives on hold, to pull thousands (or more) out of our bank account and jet off somewhere exotic to go on a trek or a safari. So where does that leave the rest of us? How do we meet that need for adventure that is written into our very DNA? The answer is much closer that you might think.
Microadventures! It’s a term coined and popularized by author and world traveler Alistair Humphreys, who rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and bicycled around the globe. Microadventures are cheap and simple adventures that you can have, any time you want- even if you can’t go halfway across the world. These are the adventures that are just waiting for you, the ones that exist close to home. Humphreys speaks fervently about the power of microadventures, reminding us all: Adventure is state of mind.
Closer Than You Think
By Jessica Sager