Fete Lifestyle Magazine July 2023 - Sports & Fitness Issue | Page 31

and then leave again. Sounds a little “heady” I will admit, but this is yet another tool I use to be a better lifestyle professional and advisor. Studies suggest that people who read regularly are far more empathetic. They care about other people more. They relate and respond to others better. People who read are also smarter, better informed, and more knowledgeable about the world than those who don’t. So, when developing a reading habit, start with what seems easy and exciting to you, then slowly branch out.

As a financial lifestyle professional, my team and I are constantly looking for new books, magazines, articles, links etc. to give our clients as much information as possible so that they can review and become more informed about their current and future financial wealth. You may not get all your questions answered from just reading a book or books, but it’s a start. In terms of what to read; pick some topics that push you out of your comfort zone. I tend to read a lot of books not from cover to cover but for the content that is relevant to what I am working on for client’s and their lifestyle improvement and that way I am often reading multiple books simultaneously.

5)Writing: If reading allows you to inhabit other people’s minds as I said earlier, then writing and learning to write well is like cleaning your house before guests come over. It encourages you to structure your thoughts more clearly, string together rational arguments and tell stories in a cogent and insightful way. It’s also therapeutic. And I can tell you from experience one of the best and easiest ways to start is to use a journal, even a financial journal…and I encourage you to do it by hand. Yes, write out your budget, business plan and long-term financial plan. Whether you write about your challenges, dreams, successes, feelings, fantasies or just a tangent about your life…start writing, it’s therapy at your own pace.

6)Socializing: Newsflash, Fete Lifestyle Magazine just hit its’ 100th issue in April. A magazine that is based in helping people have access to tools to be better “social successes”. DC and the team have knocked socializing through FLM out of the park…by making it clear that relationships are PRIMO. I think many of us, if we slow down long enough to take a look at ourselves don’t’ give our relationships the time or attention needed to keep them healthy and happy. It turns out that loneliness is kind of a thing and it’s growing at an alarming rate in the U.S. It can be as bad for your health as obesity, heavy smoking, and reckless living. Here’s one of my tools I personally and professionally use to improve my connections with clients and their lifestyle; (it may sound corny, but it works). Make a point to talk to a different friend or family member every day. I go as far as trying cause someone to laugh everyday…even if it makes me “look silly” …the laugh I get from someone is a gift back to me that fuels my day…and people like our publisher, DC Crenshaw, knows I really try to stick to that. He’s probably laughing at me now for writing these words!

I know these may not be the normal financial lifestyle tools I usually, but they are a large part of my foundation as an advisor and it has helped my clients build incredible wealth first from within, then tangible real assets.

Enjoy your July, stay cool, hydrated, and full of fun.

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