Fete Lifestyle Magazine July 2015 | Page 38

If I had a dollar for every time I heard "that's not possible," I'd be rich. If I listened, chances are I'd be poorer and stuck in an unfulfilling job. But a childhood of poverty taught me that when it comes to taking risks, there is nothing to lose or fear. While translating English into Serbian for my mom at the grocery store, I’d peek at the fashion magazines in the check--out aisle. I knew it was a long shot, yet I believed that someday, I’d also model in those magazines. It has been a hard journey--Mom’s bipolar mood swings and paranoid schizophrenia made for a rather toxic cocktail--but these humbling experiences forged the strong foundation for who I am today.

Fast forward, and I’ve now been modeling full-time for 18 years and doing make-up for 11 years. Work opportunities have surfaced internationally, including a chance to live in Barcelona. I may have been slightly bonkers to even try modeling as a career, but I’m living proof that it’s possible. Hopefully what I'm about to share will encourage you to follow your dreams too

I quickly learned that expecting instant results was unrealistic. It took YEARS for me to break into the industry. Eventually, I thought outside the box and changed my approach. Instead of waiting on talent agencies to call me, I mailed over 200 marketing pieces to clients nationwide, asking to work with them. This maneuver earned me $10,000 the next month! Better yet, those bookings flourished into relationships which still endure today. Relationships form the basis for my earnings. ‘Relational income' is derived from cultivating excellent relationships with clients could have chosen anyone, yet they chose you. By consistently delivering excellence, clients instantly begin associating your brand and reputation with a pleasant experience. This is how you cultivate a customer base. Every viable business needs customers. Even the largest corporation would fold if it had no customers.

Make a living


following your dreams


Neda Stevic