A Step into My Power
ew beginnings….
Early in this new
year, I was blessed
with a Sunday, totally alone in my house (which never happens) and allowed myself the moment to pause, reflect…and plan. I lit my candle, pulled an angel card, and opened the planner I bought myself as a Christmas gift.
This planner guided me through a much-needed process, which started with pondering 2023: all the learnings, the accomplishments, the setbacks. Release it all. The upcoming year became a clean slate yet to be crafted.
The next step was to get out my colored pencils and draw the current me and the future me. I am a horrible artist yet found this creative outlet very fun and thought provoking. It definitely prepped my brain to start dreaming about what I wanted the new year to look like.
Before setting goals, the planner guided me through an evaluation of my values and dreams and came up with a mantra that I would hold dear for the next 12 months. Funny enough I had just seen a post that was a word search. It said, “the first 4 words you see on this word search is your mantra”. I saw Power, Purpose, Connection and Love. I’ll take it. Obviously if it is on social media, it’s a legitimate mantra finding tool!
Power may sound like a “bad” word. For me, it felt just right. I have been told throughout my adult life I need to step into my Power. I’m not sure if it’s because I run a family business that I often get that evil imposter syndrome voice in my head that diminishes my ability to step into my power, but whatever the reason, I’d like to use this mantra to get over that. It’s the dawn of a new day and anything is possible! I know in my heart I’d be a better leader having the confidence to own my power, unapologetically, while allowing others to do the same.