After about 2 weeks of actually enjoying the change, I began to feel bogged down.
The grey skies felt heavy to me.
My children were excited to play in the snow, but we suddenly realized how much work staying warm and playing outside actually took. The importance of proper snow gear isn’t a thought when you are used to the beach. I can’t tell you how many times they came inside to put their wet clothes on the furnace to dry (this was a whole new concept to us too...furnaces?!)
My happy bubbly excited personality began to take a hit. I dug deep into my meditation and self-perception practices with some relief but didn't quite understand what was happening. Someone then brought seasonal affective disorder to my attention. What?! Is that really a thing?
Yes, yes it is. I knew it first hand. I began to think of all of the things that my sunny home memories were like. I began to warm up with some movement. I began to visualize often.
Soon thereafter, my winter blues began to fade when I was consistent with these practices. My routine worked for me and they can work for you. Here are my 5 tips to banish the winter blues. Let me know how they work for you!
1. Visualization and/or Meditation
Take 1 minute at least 5 times a day and close your eyes. Visualize a beach or sit in front of a window. Go to that sunny, warm place and feel the sun beaming down on your face. Feel the heat on your skin. Imagine your Vitamin D levels raising with your positive mindset.
2. Smile…(It looks good on you)
Smile consciously when you are at the computer, doing housework, or just chatting. When you see a stranger, smile. When you are at home, smile at your family members or pets.
3. Simply be Thankful
Be grateful. Write 5 things you are grateful for every day. Visualize them and feel the positive emotions as they come up as you are writing..