The Psychopath. Not to be confused with a criminal psychopath, psychopathy, is “basically an empathy deficit - a lack of concern about the feelings of others. Often drinking, drug taking, no seatbelt wearing and unprotected sex are involved.” Psychopathy is also known as psychopathic personality disorder and is considered a mental illness. While similar to those described above, psychopathy types are more prone to physical aggression. They will still charm your pants off, along with many other’s pants.
If you suspect your Prince Charming fits into one, or more, of these three personality types, or if you think you’re the victim of “love bombing”, try slowing things down. This tactic will allow you to see if your partner respects you. Alternatively, it will show you how crazy he or she becomes when you tell them no. Be careful. Love bombing is a form of abuse, and abusers don’t take no well. It is not surprising for each of the “dark triad” types to act out in explosive rage, verbal assaults, or even physical abuse or worse. Removing yourself from the relationship can be extremely difficult because love bombing ends in your devaluation; tearing you down from the pedestal you once enjoyed, leaving you with the faulty belief that things might get better as you remember the Prince Charming he was. Don’t let the mask fool you. Ask for help and support from friends, family and even a therapist. There are numerous resources online to gain clarity of your situation and help you regain the sanity and self esteem you may have lost in the process.