Here are three not-so-charming character types that are known to Love Bomb. In fact, they are collectively known as the “Dark Triad” of personality types.
The Narcissist. Narcissists can be very magnetic and charming. They appear confident and seem like they’ve got it all and they convince you that you are exactly what they’ve been looking for their whole lives. It’s easy to get swept up in the fairytale, but that’s all it is. “It’s important to remember that narcissists aren’t looking for partners; they’re looking for obedient admirers. Your sole value to the narcissist is as someone who can tell them how great they are to prop up their insatiable ego. Your desires and feelings don’t count.” In dealing with a narcissist, you will never be truly seen, heard or understood. Arguing with them is futile and resisting can incite rage. Narcissists also lack, “Object constancy … the ability to maintain your positive emotional connection to someone whom you care about while you are feeling angry, frustrated, disappointed, or hurt by that person. Object constancy helps you rein in your impulses to hurt someone during a fight.” Without this, your narcissist partner is more likely to emotionally and physically abuse you.
The Machiavellian. Professor Dale
Hartley wrote in Psychology Today,
“In psychology, Machiavellianism
refers to a personality type that does
not choose to be, but simply is, a
master manipulator ... They are
temperamentally predisposed to be
calculating, conniving, and
deceptive.” He warns that emotional
detachment and a cynical attitude,
along with charm, friendliness and
guilt are all trademarks of a “High
Mach” (as they’re known).
Machiavellians are natural con artists
and make dangerous companions,
so beware of their charm and
charisma because like the narcissist,
they are experts at the game of deceit.