Here are a few of my favorite ways you can tune in to love, spread love to others and create more love in your life.
Shift your focus. Look around you, it’s not all bad! There are many ways to notice how love is really at work in our world. People are constantly doing nice things for each other that don’t get a lot of publicity. In addition to the thousands of charities to help a cause, fight an illness or injustice and provide support for people, we also see how people tend to pull together in the midst of great tragedy. Look around you for the good people are doing.
Be one of those do-ers. You don’t have to come up with a solution to a global issue, but do what you can, with what you have, where you are. It can start with being kind by smiling at a stranger or holding the door open for someone or even being on the lookout for ways you might lend a hand as you go through your day. This is a love practice and it can be done daily.
Tune in to your life’s purpose. What would you love for your life? What would you like to have less of? Many people are afraid to ask themselves these questions because they don’t believe that it is possible for them to really love their life. Getting clear on the longing and discontent you feel in your life is essential to help you tune in to your purpose and begin to live a life you love. When you are in love with your life, it creates a magic that is energizing, loving and contagious. More people living their purpose and loving their lives, means more positive energy.