Fete Lifestyle Magazine February 2016 | Page 37

It’s time for the 88th Annual Academy Awards Show! Everyone who is anyone steps out in their finest (often borrowed) gowns and glitz to make a winning impression and, in a perfect world, take home the coveted prize … that sleek gold man called Oscar.

My dream of winning my very own Oscar finally left my list of things to do before I die. And I’m not the least bit sad about it. It’s not because I realized I’d never get the great part or be recognized by the Academy and my peers as being a stellar actor. Yeah, I think you actually have to be an actor first. My leading lady fire was quenched not long ago when I attended a fabulous Oscar viewing party complete with all the glitz and glamour you’d expect from a Hollywood gala. I walked the red carpet (pausing long enough to strike that famous over the shoulder pose for paparazzi). Sat with anticipation and admiration as my table of decked out fashionistas and I watched the arrival of Hollywood’s elite, giving nods or nays on the gowns, bling and escorts of choice. Cheered and jeered as winners and losers were announced for award after award. But that year, I was invested in the outcome because I wanted to win the gold. Leading up to the main event I watched, researched and calculated. I watched as many nominated films that I could, researched countless critic’s reviews and calculated (ok, gave a best guess) who would take home the prize in all categories, hoping to win my very own mini Oscar for the Oscar Ballot Competition. And … I WON!