Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2022 - Anything Goes Issue | Page 41

An RSVP shows the courtesy that the party host will have the right amount of food and drink. I have witnessed my share of events that included rearranging tables and scrambling to have enough food to cover for those unplanned guest(s). I have also seen the opposite direction with large amounts of leftovers and unnecessary food/drink expenses from guests who either canceled at the last minute or never showed up.

An RSVP shows kindness. Did you know adults can still experience hurt feelings? While I can help fix some of the issues that come from an inaccurate guest count, the one thing I can’t really fix is the feelings that come from being “blown-off”. Don’t be that person who ignores an invitation or ghosts your host the day of an event. If you really are unable to commit, just say that up front. Should you need to cancel at the last minute, let your host know prior to the party start time. It always saddens me when a host overlooks a beautiful celebration to the feelings of hurt or anger towards a missing guest.

An RSVP shows commitment – Just recently I went online to make a reservation at a high-end restaurant here in Chicago. Upon completing the reservation, they required a $5 per person reservation fee which would be credited back the evening of your dinner. I thought “now that is quite clever.” The restaurant industry is no exception to guests canceling plans at the last minute. They are adapting to this norm with a commit or fine policy.

Obviously, your host-friend can’t enforce this type of policy, but before possibly burning the bridge of a relationship understand that your RSVP is a BIG DEAL! You are being invited to a gathering where your presence means something to someone. When receiving an invitation, respond in a reasonable time, put the date down in your calendar, and whenever possible honor your commitment and have a great time!

Photo Credit Austin Distel