part in taking care of the world, we could slow down or even reverse global warming. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!
Balance your checkbook and pay off your debt. Don’t buy things that you can’t afford, and buy good quality fair trade products. Someone in the world is paying the price for the discount that you are getting, and it’s not a good deal if it’s supporting modern slavery and sweatshops. If everyone pays a fair price and pays off their debt, we might change the financial chaos existing in the world today.
Surround yourself with uplifting and positive people and people whom you look up to or want to be. Study them, ask questions and listen to the answers. Let the lessons sink in and then apply what is beneficial in your life. Then, you can live by example and share your knowledge with others.
The ripple effect of taking care of yourself will affect the entire world because by taking care of yourself, you are putting yourself in a situation to help improve the world. If everyone practiced living a healthy, peaceful and balanced lifestyle, imagine what the world might be like? We could focus our energy on making the world a better place rather than always trying to fix problems and save the world from disaster.
It's okay to be your own hero. Rely on and support yourself instead of depending on others to take care of you. It’s not fair to place so much responsibility on world leaders, presidents, doctors, rocket scientists, the military and bankers to solve the problems of the world. By applying some heroic behavior into our lifestyle, we can save the world. Now go out there and be your own hero!