Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2016 Heroes Issue | Page 23

1. Change a Tire. This sounds like a

small thing, but every man

can be a simple hero just by

being able to quickly change a

tire for the damsel in car

distress. Even better when

you can pop the hood and

finger something under there

for a minute and have my

motor purring.

2. Be like MacGyver. Remember that show? I do and that guy would be

handy to have around. As a government agent, scientist, and former bomb technician, he was able to solve any complex problem

using ordinary found objects.

Sure a guy that can afford to

hire a repairman is fine, but

most women will tell you

that a guy with Mr. Fix It

capabilities is a gem.

3. Be able to fly a plane. Well

disasters happen don’t they?

From pilot heart attacks to

terrorist takeovers, it seems all

leading men have the uncanny

ability to save the plane from

going down.

4. Skilled at hand-to-hand combat. Whether I’m kidnapped by a sadistic sex trafficker, accosted on a train by a manic homeless man, caught in the crossfire of warring gangsters, or being chased by bloodthirsty zombies, at some

point you must be willing and

able to defend my honor or

protect me in the face of danger.

Thus having a Green Beret

tucked in your back pocket is

appreciated, as are martial arts

skills the likes of Bruce Lee.

5. Expert Marksman. Along with the

ability to kick some serious ass, being

able to handle a weapon is a must. In

fact, you really should have a secret room behind a faux wall that holds your one man army arsenal.


6. Rouse a crowd. Whether motivating his

men to battle, inciting a mob to action,

or even diffusing an impending

mutiny, my hero has a way with

words that moves the masses and

instills passion in every audience.

7. Can take a beating. Even

though you’re a total badass,

every hero knows that there is a

time to fight and a time to turn

the other cheek. And there are

times you might have to take a beating to spare someone less able to defend themselves. And you have to take that beating with true grit.

8. Be an amazing kisser. You’ve got to be

able to make time stand still, almost

make me faint, and completely

make me lose myself with the

first touch of your lips. And

obviously you must be

physically strong since I may

swoon so deeply you’ll need

to catch me before I drop to

the ground.

9. Lasting love. Your love needs

to stand the test of time, distance

and resistance. Waiting years to

prove we are meant to be together like Ryan Gosling did in The Notebook or crossing vast country and never giving up like Daniel Day Lewis and his famous knee melting quote: “I will find you!” in Last of the Mohicans.

10. Mind blowing sex.

Obviously this should be

a no brainer. Every

Hollywood hero has a

raw unadulterated

sexuality that is palpable.

He can be soft and gentle

in his tender love making,

yet strong and commanding

when he “takes” you, leaving

you breathless and devoted as his.