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W hen the list of the cheapest cities to reside in or work was out, some of the usual suspects were well represented. Tehran was the ultimate budget city followed by Jeddah with both having a rich heritage and a knack for generating controversies. However, the third cheap- est city that nobody expected was Panama City, a calm, safe and welcoming Central American city known for hats and canals. Welcome to Panama City – a Budget Vacation Spot The fame of Panama City as a cheaper destination doesn’t end there. Upon stepping foot at Tocumen International Airport, you are given 30-day travel insurance, issued by the Panamanian Tourism Authority. A standard cost of taxi transport to the city center costs just $25 and a luxury limo costing a lot more at $88, though it is relatively reasonable, unlike Rio’s $145 and Tokyo’s $427. Taste Rich, Tantalizing Cuisines It has many, affordable hotels, right from Latin America´s first Waldorf Astoria hotel, Casa del´Horno that sits right at the heart of a world heritage site, a creaky antique mansion in Casco Viejo among others. As for the foods, you will have the convenience of tasting both the various native cuisines as well as those from different parts of the world. 38 If you need a budget vacation spot in Central America, count on this city to never disappoint. Forget about marveling at the Panama Canal’s sheer size and usefulness, Taboga Island that’s a few miles away is the real deal. Of course, you will have to visit Casco Viejo, the dilapidated, but history-rich colonial quarter where the once old-town is gradually getting revived. A moonlit dinner at the prome- nade is enough to make you relax and ignite a romance with nature! Tour Priceless Heritage Sites Other tourist spots are the famous world heritage sites; Panamá Viejo or the “Old Panama” Casco Antiguo that echo the country’s cultural diversity and The Cinta Costera 3 in Casco Viejo. Panama welcomes everyone as it is safe and economically-friendly. At the moment, the entire population of this canal city is about 430,299, which means it still has a space for more. Panama City, the Central America´s most cosmopolitan capital, also offers a more affordable´gateway to tropical escapes. It welcomes the east and the west, off-shore bankers and traders and those relocating to this perfect retirement destination. And the resulting cocktail of cultures makes it a friendlier and more welcoming city than any other in the Central Americas, no wonder it was 2003’s American Capital of Culture. Brief History – Panama City The city is one of the oldest cities as it was established by one Spanish conquis- tador Pedro Arias Dávila in 1519, then serving as a stopover point for traders. Right now though, this capital has more significance as it offers a short-cut route for cargo ships. It is a favorite for vessels from all over the world as it significantly reduces the time spent in the sea while offering significant cost cuts.