Spotlight on :


If you travel out 180 through Williamsport and keep going , you ’ ll reach the borough of Montoursville . Montoursville , with its population of almost five thousand people , is in Lycoming County , just north of the Susquehanna River . And it ’ s been
Photo courtesy of Steve Bagwell . there ever since it was founded in 1820 . The first settler in the area , John Else , came from Bucks County with his parents in 1807 , and cleared two hundred acres for a farm . In 1812 , General John Burrows purchased land for a farm , taking possession in 1813 . In 1820 , in a partnership with local citizen Thomas Lloyd , he sold lots to found the community . They sold lots , the average price of which was fifty dollars apiece , a pretty good price even for 1820 . In those early days , the community struggled to grow . “ History of Lycoming County Pennsylvania " by John F . Meginness said , ” The village grew slowly , and stretching along the public road , presented a straggling appearance .” Supplies had to be shipped in by wagon from other communities .
This led to the place acquiring the nicknames of “ Tea Town ” and “ Coffee Town ” in the early days . With groceries and supplies being pretty much continuously carried in on wagons , the local housewives took to requesting small shipments of tea or coffee for their households , and the nicknames stuck for quite a few years .
The post office opened in 1831 , and was named Montoursville Post Office , in honor of Native American interpreter Andrew Montour . Andrew was the son of Madame Montour , who gave her name to Montour County , one of two Pennsylvania counties named after women . The name stuck , and became the official name of the community , replacing all the references to hot beverages .
Initially , Montoursville was unincorporated and considered a part of Fairfield Township , but an Act of Assembly on February 19 , 1850 changed that , incorporating the community and making it into a borough .
Montoursville , interestingly , is said to be the birthplace of Mary Jane Watson , Spider-Man ’ s girlfriend in Marvel Comics . So if you happen to be visiting the place , relax . Sit down . Read a comic book , and have a cup of tea or coffee .
Lou Bernard is a local writer and can be reached at loulhpa @ gmail . com .
-- Montoursville Dog Park --
The borough of Montoursville is celebrating its Dog Park being open for its fifth year ! Located at 41 Mill Street in Montoursville , it ' s open 8am till dusk . Please check out all the off-leash rules and regulations online before visiting .
Info : facebook - Montoursville Dog Park
www . bearcountrygoodnews . com “ Good News ” -- February -- 11