- Eulogy for Mrs . Brown -
The Liberty Bookshop and our house lost its senior cat just before Christmas . She was 16 years old , and had one of the hardest beginnings , but was a force to be reckoned with her entire life .
She was never anyone ’ s “ favorite cat .” In fact , she was called here by mistake . One November twilight , my sister called what she thought was our smallest cat from around a dumpster across the run . When the cat sailed over the brook and up to the house , Nancy saw her mistake . This was not our cat - at least we didn ’ t know her . She didn ’ t know us , but we were the current best bet . She was skinny , young , and whoever had dumped her had left a small kitten collar on her that was now growing into her skin and choking her . She needed a meal , a vet visit , and spaying , as she was in heat . The last thing we needed was another cat , but she was now our porch cat and had no intention of leaving . We named her “ Mrs . Brown , hanging ‘ round .” She never got a first name .
Today , cats with her personality are called “ spicy .” And she was that . Freshly fed , groomed , and ready for the world , she traveled the neighborhood . Sometimes , she sported a collar , usually with skull & crossbones on it . But those were always lost , maybe in the shrubbery where she stalked rodents , maybe at a bar . One morning , as we were headed out of town , we saw a cat leave the bar in Avis . As we got closer , we saw that it was Mrs . Brown . She stopped in the road , looked at us and headed north . She could be a hissing mess with a swatting paw to anything that came on her porch . But she would tolerate Nancy and me , and some special people for reasons only she knew . She eventually became Mrs . B , and the Beester .
Sometimes , she would sneak into a shed or a garage . Most of the neighbors used those buildings enough for her to get out within a day . But one summer week , she went missing . We put up flyers and asked the neighbors to open up sheds . In just a few hours , she came back … staggering , unable to climb stairs , and so very weak . We brought her in and first , fed her water . Our vet was sympathetic , but there was nothing that could be done . It was probably a stroke , brought on by dehydration and heat . She would live , or not .
It was touch and go , but she lived . First wobbly , then she got stronger . In three months , she was back , with only an odd head tilt . When she ran , she ran in a diagonal , as if she couldn ’ t see a straight line . She became sweeter to her people , and even came into the shop to visit sometimes .
It was six years later that death , who she cheated and beat at every race , finally won . She was bustling up from her brook when she probably had another stroke . She died mid-run , in her very own yard , near her people and the place she came to love . She is missed , but no story about her is ever told without a smile . I trust that there is a deep shady porch where she is now , for those long afternoon naps .
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , & Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .
Hours : Thursday & Friday 10-6 , Saturday 10-3 , or by appt .
“ Where yesterday ’ s books are today ’ s treasures .”
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Pawsitively Pets -- February 5