February 2023 ASCE-NH Newsletter February 2023 | Page 8

February 2023 ASCE-NH Section Lunch & Learn Webinar Presented By : Kenneth Berry , PE , LLS

WHEN : Tuesday , February 28 , 2023 WHERE : Zoom Video Communications ( Anywhere !!) PRESENTATION :

US EPA Construction General Permit , Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ( US EPA CGP SWPPP ) – Putting it all Together
This one -hour presentation will address the 2022 Construction General Permit , and in particular the major changes from previous General Permits . It will also discuss the Essential Elements and Components of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan . We will cover the Record Keeping Requirements pertaining to amendments and inspection report as well as the electronic Notice of Intent and Notice of termination . The importance and scope of SWPPP Inspections will be addressed and the new requirements regarding who can conduct inspections as well as the new dewatering monitoring and inspections that are required . We may touch on Watershed Evaluation utilizing the NHDES OneStop System and Impaired Waters , if time allows .
The topic will be addressed from the perspective of the Landowners , Designated Operators , Designers , Contractors , and Regulators .

During this 1.0-PDH lecture , attendees will be exposed to real-life stormwater inspection discoveries , both positive and negative , with an emphasis on how to manage a construction site to be compliant with the current rules .