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What things can I do to get involved if I am not athletic?

- There are many clubs to get involved in. Drama, Photography and Math club are just a few of many clubs.

Why does Highland get out later than other high schools?

Highland gets out a bit later than other schools because we start at 8:40. Buses have to travel to all Gaston County high schools to pick up students and bring them to Highland.

How can I make friends?

Reach out! Introduce yourself and be open. Go to school events and meet people. To make friends, you must be a friend.

What can I do if someone is talking about me behind my back?

You should confront them and ask them to stop.

I have a lot of homework. How can I get it all done?

Make a schedule. Set a time each night for you to do homework and stick to it. Persistance is key.

How can I make a sports team?

Before tryouts, see if there are workouts you can attend and practice in your free time. Coaches like to see students who put effort in.