FD Insights Issue 13 | Page 30

Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Programme

What is the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider programme ?

The Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider ( CSP ) program enables partners to directly manage the entire lifecycle for their Microsoftcloud customers including billing and support . Partners in this program use dedicated in-product tools to directly provision , manage , and support their customer subscriptions . Partners can easily package their own tools , products and services , and combine them into one monthly or annual customer bill .

What do I need to do in order to participate in the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider program ?
Indirect – For partners that want to invest gradually in developing the systems , tools , and staff needed to take full advantage of the cloud , we are partnering with key distributors throughout the world which can assist you by providing help with value added services , support , and billing .
What are the benefits of CSP ?
CSP makes it easy to build a managed services business with Microsoft Cloud Services and provides an opportunity to build recurring revenue streams .
How does this impact the way I sell today ?
How you sell Microsoft Office 365 , Microsoft Intune , Enterprise Mobility Suite , Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online , and Microsoft Azure are exactly the same . This is simply one of the business models partners can consider when selling Microsoft cloud subscriptions .
Which products can I sell in this program ?
You can sell all major commercial suites and standalone products for Microsoft Office 365 , Microsoft Intune , Enterprise Mobility Suite ( EMS ), Microsoft Azure , and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online . We will add other services as they become available .
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