FCFC Newsletter Oct_Nov_Dec 2024 (1)

Message From Our Exective Director
Family Connection Luncheon and Jacqueline ’ s First Day as Executive Director
October-December 2024 fannin county
“ Life ’ s persistent and most urgent questions is , ‘ What are you doing for others ?”
- Martin Luther King Jr .
Message From Our Exective Director , Page 1
Family Connection Luncheon and Jacqueline ’ s First Day as Executive Director , Page 1
Family , Caregiver , & Aging Wellness Community Event , Page 2
Coat Drive , Page 2 FCFC Halloween , Page 2 Corn Maze for Family Care , Page 3 Foster Care Support Trip , Page 3
Family Care Calder the Trick Dog , Page 4
Family Care Thanksgiving Celebration , Page 4
Toys for Tots , Page 5 Christmas Tour of Homes , Page 6
Chester ’ s Family Care Dinner , Page 7
Ugly Sweater Week , Page 7 Holiday Hams , Page 8 Family Care Program , Page 8 Upcoming Events , Page 9 Financial Support , Page 9 Impactful Numbers , Page 9
Thank You for Your Donation , Page 10
Volunteer Opportunities , Page 12

Message From Our Exective Director

Hello friends of Family Connection and Happy New Year ! First , I want to say a huge thank you to each of you for the support given to Fannin County Family Connection over the past quarter . These past months have been a time of firsts for me serving as the new Executive Director . I am simply awestruck at how amazing our community is with your endless support .
It has been a very busy three months as we served a total of 2,197 families from October to December . The families we serve daily range in size from one to as many as ten per household . Many clients utilized not only the pantry but also our washer and dryer , clothing closet , showers , and kitchen area . One of the most exciting parts of this past quarter was that we were able to give holiday hams to all our families over November and December . This was made possible through the kind donation from Feed Fannin as they purchased the hams and allowed us to distribute them .
In the following pages you will have the chance to read about all the amazing events and services that we offered over the past quarter . The Family Care Program has been very busy and continues to grow ! We hosted a Thanksgiving lunch , a corn maze , a trip to Roswell , and an amazing night out of respite care for the grandparents at Chester Brunnenmeyers . We are so thankful as our partnerships continue to grow . Every bit of what we have been able to accomplish is because of each one of you , our supporters .
For anyone who donated food , clothing , hygiene products , volunteered your time , donated monetarily , or supported the organization in any other way - YOU are the ones making a difference and the greatest impact in our community . Without each of you , Family Connection would not be what it is today .
As we gear up for another busy quarter of serving , enjoy reading over the results of what you made possible at Family Connection . Feel free to join us anytime !

Family Connection Luncheon and Jacqueline ’ s First Day as Executive Director

Fannin County Family Connection hosted a welcome luncheon to celebrate Jacqueline McKee stepping into the role of Executive Director . In addition , Sherry Morris was acknowledged as she moved into the role of Director Emeritus . In attendance at this event were fellow board members , friends , and family who came together to celebrate this transition . We were grateful for the excellent food catered by The General Ledger for this event . Family Connection is very excited to welcome Jacqueline McKee as the new Executive Director , as she has a growing vision for the organization .
Fannin County Family Connection , Inc . 501 Fannin Industrial Park Blue Ridge , GA 30513 706-632-6063 https :// fcfc1 . org
More great stories inside .