Coat Drive
Family , Caregiver , & Aging Wellness Community Event
FCFC Halloween
Coat Drive
On October 21st-24th , FCFC partnered with the News Observer to host the annual coat and blanket drive for the families we serve . We hosted the coat drive until 5:00 p . m . in hopes of reaching working families with children . A total of 236 coats were distributed in the community .
Family , Caregiver , & Aging Wellness Community Event
Fannin County Family Connection loved participating in the first Family , Caregiver , Aging Wellness Community Event for Fannin and surrounding counties . This event was hosted at The Craddock Center , a long-time collaborative partner of FCFC . Family Connection was able to contribute to the event by marketing our resources , collaborating with various partners , and offering some of our food boxes . There were dozens of attendees from 8 different counties and 16 organizations that participated . The collaborative organizations plan to work together to make this an annual event for counties in the North Georgia region .
FCFC Halloween
The volunteers and staff went all out for Halloween week ! Our Pantry Manager , Kala Ballew , did an amazing job transforming our pantry for the spooky season . During Halloween week the Mad Hatter , Where ’ s Waldo , a hippie , a witch , and a renaissance princess made their appearance at Fannin County Family Connection !