Christmas Tour of Homes is the largest fundraiser that Fannin County Family Connection hosts annually . Fannin County Family Connection is deeply grateful for all the homeowners that participated in the 2024 Christmas Tour of Homes . All the hosts did a marvelous job decorating and welcoming groups of people in their homes . There was apple cider , brownies , cookies , Brunswick stew , pimento cheese bread and more ! As a result , Fannin County Family Connection raised over $ 32,000 and we could not be more thankful ! In addition to the homeowners FCFC wants to give a huge thank you to our volunteers and visitors for making this one of the most successful events of the year . We had 47 sponsors accumulated from our CTOH 2024 and we always appreciate the support from all of you in our community . fannin county
We appreciate the generosity of our 2024 home and business owners :
Pink Pig BBQ Restaurant
Samantha and Jacob Callihan
DIAMOND ($ 1,000 +) SILVER ($ 500 +) David & Joan Rearick
Wrapsody Outdoor Living
Tom & Nancy Niswander Depot Granite
Bill & Sherry Echelberger Suzanne Ponton
Copper Basin Federal Credit Union
King Heating & Air Maureen Escott John & Janice Louw
James & Susan Brumbelow Mercier Orchards
Fannin County Empty Doug & Kathy Beck Stocking Program
Kaye ' s Auto Parts
Bonnie Villeneuve Jack Walsh
Christopher & Christy Hayes
Kay Tibbetts
Jean Bonnwitz Carol & Mike Yancey
Tammie and Michael Rustenberghe
Jen and Ryon McCabe
Kemille and Lloyd Macmennamin
BRONZE ($ 250 +) Mountain Valley Motors
Ronda Beth Kieffer Deborah Calloway Blue Ridge / Toccoa River KOA Sisson Corporation
Dickey McCay Insurance Kevin Panter Insurance Angela Stewart DeLorme , P . C .
Misty Mountain Hops - Oyster Bamboo Fly Rods Aaron Born
Blue Ridge Oil Change
Kelly Michael Hundley , LLC K & S Tank Lines Inc .
Fannin County Democratic Women
Cox Farmhouse
Yacavone Family Alice Prieto
ETC Ace Hardware Blue Ridge
Blue Ridge Adventure Wear
American Legion Post # 248 Joe Reinkemeyer
Southern Financial Consultants
Mountain Transportation
We also express our appreciation to our ticketholders and silent auction donors and participants .
FRIENDS ( UP TO $ 249 )
Chastain Juliana ' s & Associates Boutique
Thank you to the Fannin County Family Connection Board of Directors , Staff and Volunteers .
Williamstown Gerald & Marian Methodist Warnken
Church Women
Thank you to The News Observer and Mountain Country Radio for promoting this event !