v Tips
v Prospective Guest Speakers
v What to Discuss
v What to Look For
Stay Local
There are hundreds of bright and
aspiring individuals in the world
around you. Many have memorable
stories and experiences that they
would love to share. Sometimes,
parents know adults who they work
with that have had a remarkable
story to share. While nationally
ranked speakers may have that
special gimmick or be much more
experienced, thousands of dollars is
a high price to pay.
Reach Out
If you’ve read a story or heard about
someone interesting through a friend
or family member, obtain their contact
information. Send them an email
asking if they’d be interested to
come and speak at your local chapter.
Often, businesses and adults enjoy
getting a good reputation in the
community around them, so there is a
great possibility that they will be just
as eager as you to step up to the