The biggest opportunity Fashion wanderer will have is collaborations with designers, brands and bloggers. In the 21st century marketing via social media is so important and to have the opportunity to collaborate with bloggers and influencers will help Fashion Wanderer to become a well known and successful business.
Also, to collaborate and sell new designers garments and products on the site means that they will have that first initial foot in to the industry. It will keep the brand fresh and up to date with the Fashion Industry.
Fashion Wanderer’s biggest threat is its competitors. Established business such as The Business of Fashion, Young British Designers and The British Fashion Council are its three biggest competitors and its biggest threat. They all already have a stable and ever growing customer base, they are established, trustworthy brands that are well known and used within the industry not just by the general public but companies too.
Companies trust these brands and this is what may threaten the Fashion Wanderer. Customers may not want to move and try a new brand that offers a similar product. This is where marketing and collaborations to make the brand popular will be essential and this will be the only way to overcome these threats. Fashion Wanderer needs to build a customer
base of people that
trust it to become a successful business.