Fashion Sustainability 1 | Page 14


Our Pop-Up date was Friday the 2nd of February which was the final date of the Pop-Up Store. As a group this is something we were quite worried about because we feared there wouldn't be much stock left or alternatively, everyone would have already been. So as a group be weren't expecting to be successful and therefore decided we needed to have a strong marketing campaign and possibly another incentive to draw in customers. We decided to buy a few trays of doughnuts and offer them out to customers who were willing to donate to Traid or come into the Pop-Up. This helped a lot with getting customers in and although we didn't make that much money, we all had fun trying to get people into the store.

Our group has a good understanding of sustainability of fashion retail after working with Traid and seeing the facts about wasted clothes and landfill sites. This meant that when customers came in, we were all confident enough to explain what the Pop-Up store was about and encourage people to Re-Cycle their clothing. We also hope that the information we told them about Traid and the leaflets they took from the store will stick with them. Towards the end of the day, H&M came into the Pop-Up and we explained to them the importance of what we were doing and sustainable fashion and to a big brand, we hope this made an impact with how they produce their clothing.

The marketing campaign for the Pop-Up was mainly focused online which I feel was maybe not the most effective leading up to the event. A lot of young people now use social media only and most of our campaign was offline with leaflets and posters. We posted a few times on social media but I think as a group it would have been more effective if each of us posted about it on our own personal accounts. Finally I think it would have been more effective if we started advertising with more notice as we only started posting about it in the week of the Pop-Up, if we started advertising early, more people may have seen it.

As a consumer, I've learnt that I am just like everyone else when it comes to fast fashion and buying clothes. I constantly buy and wear an item a few times for it to end up sat in my wardrobe for months never worn. I think taking part in Traid Pop-up has made me realise the importance of donating clothes, and how even if you may never wear an item of clothing again, someone else might.