For so long, we kept it
to ourselves until we
finally decided to post
it on social media. It’s
funny looking back now
about how scared we
were to put it out there.
Today, neither of us miss
a beat about throwing
our photos up on
Facebook or Instagram.
After about 4 years or
blogging, we recently
met a local photographer
who has been working
with us and taking our
amazing photos. Within
the last several months,
our blog has evolved
a lot and we’re really
happy with the way
things are going.
When we work with
brands, we really try to
take our photoshoots to
the next level and create
photos that have more of
a lookbook, stylized feel.
We are so thankful and
are amazed at how this
blog has grown since we
first started. Elizabeth
and I also write a weekly
fashion column for
our local newspaper,
and we are the fashion
spokeswomen for a
local outlet mall. We
do monthly fashion
segments on local TV
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