Fashion Observer Magazine Dec. 2014 | Page 89

love BLOGgER My name is Emily and I share a fashion blog with my twin sister, Elizabeth based in Lawrence, Kansas. Growing up, we’ve always been interested in fashion and loved to go shopping with our Mom. We used to plan out our outfits for school, and back-toVisit BLOG school shopping was something we always looked forward to. I remember looking through the catalogs of different retailers and marking everything that I wanted to buy (or have our mom buy for us). As we became older, our friends would always ask us for fashion advice or borrow our clothes. E lizabeth and I finally put our love of fashion into blog form when we decided to start Fashion Column Twins. We wanted to create a site that people could go and get as much fashion inspiration as possible. At the beginning of our blogging career, our photos were rather low quality but we kept blogging because we loved it. We aren’t photographers so that was challenging trying to figure out how to use a DSLR camera. We were also really insecure about putting our blog out there for people to see.