Farming Monthly National December 2017 | Page 16

| Grain Grain & oilseed margins at risk due to higher freight costs Higher global freight rates are expected to have an increasing influence on grains & oilseed trade dynamics and trade flows in 2018 as the cost of dry-bulk sea freight increases. Rabobank anticipates the margins of grain & oilseed importers and exporters are at risk. n its latest report “A Bigger World to Sail: Impact of Rising Freight Rates on Global Grains & Oilseed Trade,” Rabobank anticipates that increasing time charter rates as well as high bunker fuel costs will lead to higher freight costs in the coming years. As a result, Rabobank expects a shift in the movement of commodities worldwide with higher freight rates eroding the competitiveness of exports which come from farther afield. Global dry bulk time charter rates and bunker fuel costs are expected to continue to stay strong in 2018 and 2019 The Baltic Dry Index – an indicator of global commodity freight costs – has increased almost 60% since January 2017 as additional supply of new bulk freight capacity has slowed. With demand growth for dry bulk capacity forecast to surpass supply growth of dry bulk capacity in the next two years, dry bulk time charter rates are forecasted to increase between 10% and 20% YOY in 2018 and 2019. At the same time, crude oil prices have increased to their highest level in two years in 2017, appreciating to over USD 60/bbl (Brent Oil), making bunker fuel for vessels more I expensive and adding to the rise in freight rates. With more than 85 percent of global G&O trade (more specifically corn, wheat, soybeans, and soymeal) transported by dry bulk carriers, the higher freight costs will have increasing influence on G&O trade dynamics and trade flows in 2018-2019. G&O exports from Australia to Asia to benefit, while more distant G&O exporters will face pressure With Asian countries being net importers of grains and oilseeds and relying heavily on dry bulk carriers to supply G&O products, G&O exporting countries closer to Asia, like Australia, stand to benefit while more distant G&O exporting regions like South America, US and Black Sea will see their competitiveness impacted as freight rates increase. To stay competitive, G&O exporters at a greater distance from their destination will need to reduce their G&O purchasing costs, supply chain costs and margins to trim their FOB price in order to remain competitive. Asia to face higher G&O import costs With Asian countries importing a total of 242.5 million metric tons in grains and oilseeds in 2016, Asian countries rely heavily on dry bulk carriers to supply their G&O products from South America, US, and Black Sea. Increased freight rates will drive up the landed costs of G&O imports such as wheat and soybean to Asia, resulting in higher ‘cost of goods sold’. Faced with higher freight rates, both G&O exporters and importers should position themselves to preserve their margins. There are a number of strategic options for them to do this, such as choosing an appropriate shipping strategy, improving supply chain efficiency and choosing an appropriate origination and procurement strategy. Consumers should be ready to face increasing food prices. Importers may also opt to pass the rising freight costs to customers, which will result in increased food prices. According to FAO’s latest “Food Outlook – Biannual Report on Global Food Markets, November 2017” report, the cost of importing food is set to rise in 2017 to USD 1.213 trillion, a 6 percent increase from the previous year and the second highest tally on record. Consumers should be ready to face increasing food prices. Wembley continues its consistent , high yielding performance on the new AHDB Recommended Lists with Mentor still the only clubroot resistant recommended Variety The new 2017-18 AHDB winter oilseed rape Recommended Lists show LSPB’s hybrid variety Wembley maintaining its consistent performance in the East-West region. While specially-recommended Mentor continues on both North and East-West lists as the only clubroot-resistant variety. embley has once again performed extremely well in Recommended List trials, proving its continuing high gross output over the four trial years between 2014 and 2017 as shown on the latest RL. In addition to this, it has low gross output variability both in the UK figures shown and in the detailed East-West data where its low variability is even more marked. Many growers now look to consistency as measure of performance that is as equally important as outright yield. The variety also brings good agronomic W 16 | Farming Monthly | December 2017 characters to growers with stem stiffness and high resistance to lodging - good autumn vigour, spring vigour and early flowering time - plus resistance to light leaf spot and stem canker. Mentor is the only winter oilseed rape variety with a specific recommendation for clubroot on the North and the East-West regions of the AHDB Recommended List. It is recommended for growing on land infected with clubroot and is resistant to common strains of clubroot, although not all. Clubroot is an increasing problem in oilseed rape crops and one that had been intensified by too-close rotations. Once land is infected with clubroot spores, it could be up to 15 years before it is likely to be clean again. Preventative action is built round rotations that alternate oilseed rape with cereals and break crops such as pulses. Looking beyond the current year, LSPB’s upcoming varieties Crome and Walker are now starting their journey through the official trials system and showing promise. In the longer term, there are further improved oilseed rape varieties progressing now in private trials and planned for official trials in due course.