| Grain
Double Layered TUYV resistant oilseed rape
featured at CropTec alongside new wheat and
maize varieties
DSV UK previewed its first ever ‘double layered’ PNN hybrid oilseed rape at CropTec
2017 alongside new maize and wheat varieties.
emptation, which
has just been
drilled in RL
candidate trials
this Autumn, is the
company’s first
ever oilseed rape to feature full
genetic resistance to Turnip Yellow
Virus (TuYV), says DSV UK
managing director Mike Mann.
“There are worrying signs that
TuYV is becoming a growing threat
to UK producers with indications it
is now endemic across the UK with
2017 seeing a growing number of
cases so there is real pressure on
breeders to address this through
“It’s a potentially serious
situation as the disease can have a
significant affect on both yields
and oil content and can rob you of
production without you really
knowing it. Even insecticide
treated sites can show 5 – 7% loss,
and in an untreated situation this
can reach 20% or more.
“Working with our colleagues in
Germany, we’re confident that
virtually all new DSV varieties will
carry TuYV resistance with trials
across Europe showing very
impressive results.’’
Temptation is the first of these to
be introduced to the UK and has
genuine genetic resistance to
TuYV being impervious to the
greater effects of the disease, he
“Temptation also has excellent
early vigour, typical of other DSV
varieties like Incentive 45 and
Sparrow 45 – so called because of
their outstanding growth in the first
45 days after drilling.
“It is also our first double-
layered PNN variety. In the past
DSV’S single layered PNN
varieties have had multi-gene
resistance to light leaf spot and
phoma stem canker but
Temptation adds another
additional layer with its TuYV
DSV also has three new wheat
varieties, currently in their second
year of National List trials, which
are s