| Livestock
JFC “Dumpy – Tip-over Drinker” awarded for
technical innovation
JFC Agri “Dumpy – Tip-over Drinker” – DBL9 won a
Certificate of Commendation at this year’s Royal Highland
he award was
granted by the The
Royal Highland
and Agricultural
Society of
Scotland (RHASS)
under its Technical Innovation
Award scheme for 2016,
Scotland’s Year of Innovation,
Architecture & Design.
Farmers are aware of the
importance of having fresh
drinking water available for their
animals and their daily chores
include cleaning their drinkers,
particularly when cows are
housed indoors.
JFC‘s “Dumpy – Tip-over
Drinker” is an all-new 3.5 litre
rotating drink bowl, that allows the
farmer to empty the bowl by the
press of a button. It operates by
gravity, simply using the weight of
the water to swing 180 degrees,
while dumping the entire contents
of the drinker on to the
ground/slats. This innovative
drinker also swings back to a
working position all within the
same movement.
JFC’s “Dumpy – Tip-over
Drinker” improves animal welfare
by providing cleaner drinking
water. An independently fitted ball
cock is secured to an integrated
protection bracket, ensuring no
movement and minimum valve
adjustment required. The JFC
“Dumpy – Tip-over Drinker” is
innovatively designed, to allow
easy service access to the ball
cock from its open position.
The “Dumpy – Tip-over Drinker”
from JFC offers an innovative
solution to the problem of high
SCC (somatic cell count) on farms.
High SCC can be attributed to
many factors and is often related
to primary management practices,
including milking
equipment/technique, housing,
cleanliness of the environment,
quality of water, feed, preventive
health measures and stress.
Poor quality of drinking water
can be major contributor to high
SCC, farmers are aware of the
importance of having fresh
drinking water available for their
animals and their daily chores
include cleaning their drinkers,
particularly when cows are housed
This is usually an unpleasant
task which may have to be
conducted several times a day.
Until now there was no drinker on
the market that made this job
simple, effective and easy!
FUW welcomes proposal for
relaxed US import restrictions
on UK lamb and beef
The proposal for consultation to relax import restrictions
on Welsh and British lamb and beef into the United States
of America, which could generate an extra £35 million for
the UK economy, has been welcomed by the Farmers’
Union of Wales.
arming Minister
George Eustice
today confirmed
that the US
Department of
Agriculture (USDA)
has published the proposals, which
is a significant step forward.
“This could mean that Welsh and
British lamb and beef may well be
available for US consumers by
early 2017 and with that opens an
export market to 300 million
consumers for our first class quality
produce,” said FUW President Glyn
A 1,000-page dossier was
submitted to the USDA detailing the
safety and quality of British beef
and lamb ahead of April’s trade
talks with US Secretary of
Agriculture Tom Vilsack in
“We have met with both George
Eustice and with USDA
representatives Stan Phillips,
Counselor for Agricultural Affairs
and Steve Knight, Agricultural
Specialist last week at the Royal
Welsh Show to discuss
#FarmingMatters and as part of
those meetings we also highlighted
the importance of trade deals for
our economy in a post-Brexit world.
“Now more than ever we need to
explore other markets, and the US
market is one we are keen to
develop much stronger
relationships with, so this comes as
most welcome news. It will also
help us in trade negotiations with
our allies in the Commonwealth
and other countries around the
Defra is now co-ordinating UK
farming industry comment for the
60-day consultation and liaising
with relevant US trade associations
to gain support for proposals.
36 | Farming Monthly | August 2016