UK Dairy Day returns to Telford
Major changes for 2016 include free entry , parking and free entry for show cattle .
| Livestock
K Dairy Day was launched in 2014 as a new event for the dairy industry . Feedback from dairy farmers and the industry suggested that a dedicated one day event at a time of year when important production decisions are being made for winter was required . In 2015 the event attracted over 7,000 visitors from across the UK and overseas and over 200 trade stands . This year the event has been boosted with an increase in trade stand bookings - over 300 businesses have confirmed a presence .
The event is organised by Holstein UK with support from representatives from CIS , CDI , The International Centre , Stagecraft UK and other key businesses within the industry .
Earlier this year , Holstein UK was delighted to announce it had renewed its contract with the International Centre , securing the future of UK Dairy Day until 2020 . In response to the challenges currently facing the industry , UK Dairy Day have made important changes for the 2016 event to support farmers by offering free visitor entry , car parking and free entry for show cattle .
UK Dairy Day 2016 takes place at the International Centre , Telford on Wednesday 14th September 2016 from 8am to 5pm and will feature ;
• Free entry , no pre-registration required – simply turn up , receive wrist band and enter venue
• Over 300 dairy businesses
• Trade stand space covering over 8,000 square metres across ground floor internal and external space
• Learning & development zone to educate , engage and inspire dairy farmers which includes a career zone and making more from milk zone
• Knowledge Trail in conjunction with DairyPro and NFYFC to gain CPD points
• Seminars with leading speakers focused on the cow , farm and team
• External demonstration area with foot trimming , knife sharpening and cow anatomy painting by Scarsdale Vets
• New product display area and competition
• All breeds cattle show including The
National Holstein Show
• Press room , sponsors lounge and VIP area
• Champions Dinner and Awards at 7.30pm to celebrate and network Theme
The theme for 2016 is ‘ Sharing knowledge ’. The event will feature a learning and development zone on the first floor , with seminar sessions indoors and outdoors to engage , inspire and educate . The area is also being supported by AHDB Dairy , NFYFC and Dairy Pro . There will be displays from colleges , farming / rural charities and other dairy industry partners . UK Dairy Day ’ s CPD Points Opportunities UK Dairy Day 2016 will for a 3rd year be a
Dairy Pro accredited event . Attending event will qualify for you two points , one for Livestock Production Systems ( LP ) and the other for Business Management ( BM ). The event features a dedicated ‘ Sharing Knowledge ’ zone where there will be several opportunities to gain a further ten points – making the day out at UK Dairy Day worth the maximum achievable for a single day ’ s learning under the scheme .
A ' Knowledge Trail ' organised in partnership with Dairy Pro and NFYFC will flow around the whole event with various stands and activities around the venue being ‘ pointed ’. This trail will include the Sharing Knowledge Zone and its seminars , the demonstration areas and numerous interactive quizzes organised with Dairy Pro training partners . Even better , working with Allflex , an interactive event tag will automatically register CPD points as each activity is visited during the event . Visitors that are not signed up to Dairy Pro before attending UK Dairy Day can do so on the day by visiting the Dairy Pro stand in in the Sharing Knowledge Zone on the first floor .
The full seminar programme is available on the UK Dairy Day website featuring a mix of topics focussed on the cow , the team and the farm delivered by leading industry speakers including practising vets , researchers and commercial personnel .
The demonstration areas featured externally include Foot Trimming & Knife Sharpening . www . farmingmonthly . co . uk August 2016 | Farming Monthly | 35