Farm Horizons
Oct. 10, 2016
Page 17
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Although Krause Holsteins of rural Buffalo has more than 200 cows, Morgan Krause said the farm wouldn’t be the same without
her cow, Ditto. Morgan is pictured with her mom (Robyn), dad (Charles), and brother (Andrew).
“I traded my boots in for a pair of heels at the fair,”
she said.
Morgan was one of 12 dairy princesses in the state to
become a finalist, and she was chosen as runner-up for
the title of Princess Kay.
During the fair, Morgan had the opportunity to speak
with many people about agriculture, including University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler.
“I absolutely love talking about my family farm and
the dairy farms of Minnesota,” said Morgan, who is a
sophomore at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Morgan also spent a day at the fair in a rotating cooler, while Linda Christensen sculpted her likeness into
a 90-pound block of butter. This holiday season, Morgan plans to use the butter to make treats for military
“Gratitude for those serving our country has been instilled in me,” she said.
At the U of M, Morgan is currently majoring in agriculture communications/marketing, and animal science/
dairy production. Her plan is to attend an extra year of
school, to get a master’s degree in agricultural education.
“My dream job would be to work in dairy communications,” she said. “I love advocating for the dairy community.” n