Farm Horizons
Oct. 10, 2016
Page 16
Local Princess Kay runner-up
has cow in Kemps commercial
By Starrla Cray
Remember the Kemps commercial with an Olympic
gymnast on a cow?
That cow was raised by Morgan Krause of rural Buffalo, who served as a Wright County Dairy Princess and
was chosen as runner-up for 2016-17 Princess Kay of
the Milky Way.
“Kemps actually reached out to us,” said Morgan,
daughter of Charles and Robyn Krause. “They asked if
we had a cow that would stand in the pasture and not
move. Immediately, I thought of my cow, Ditto. She’s
incredibly tame.”
In mid-June, a few Kemps representatives stopped at
Krause Holsteins to scout Ditto, checking if she had the
right demeanor and markings.
“Luckily, they liked her,” Morgan said.
About a week later, Kemps reappeared with a film
crew and shot footage of Ditto grazing in the front yard.
Morgan, who had been in Sleepy Eye for a summer internship, made a trip out to the farm to help. She was a
bit nervous about having Ditto out in the open without a
halter, but needn’t have worried. The 8-year-old Holstein
stayed calm, and wasn’t in a hurry to go anywhere.
The first time Morgan saw the commercial was on
Facebook, while helping her dad with third crop hay.
After that, she started seeing it on TV. The commercial, which features gymnast Marvin Kimble, began
airing in July, and finished one week after the summer
Olympics. (To see the commercial now, go to YouTube
and type in “Kemps cow power their dreams.”)
“I freak out every time I see it,” Morgan said. “I’d be
in a restaurant with a TV in the background, and I’d be
like, ‘that’s my cow!’”
Although this was Ditto’s first time on TV, she’s no
stranger to being the center of attention.
“She’s naturally a very docile cow, and she’s pretty
Steve Burns
Septic Systems Basements
Hauling Road Building
Wetland Mitigation
3470 Co. Rd. 21, Mayer, Minnesota 55360
(952) 955-3112 • Cell (612) 685-4303 • [email protected]
Submitted photo
Princess Kay of the Milky Way runner-up Morgan Krause
smiles for the camera – and so does her butterhead.
used to people petting her,” Morgan said, explaining
that Ditto has performed well at many fairs through
the years. “She’s a very special cow to me – the farm
wouldn’t be the same without her.”
At this year’s Wright County Fair, a sign near Ditto
read, “I’m an Olympic Kemps cow.”
“People recognized her and were taking pictures with
her,” Morgan said. “This was my last year showing with
4-H, and it was a really cool way to go out.”
Trading boots for heels
Morgan decided not to show at the Minnesota State
Fair this year, in order to devote her time to the Princess
Kay of the Milky Way competition.