"Fanwood is entering a new era. Traditional thinking is no longer the
norm; creativity and outside of the box thinking should be supported and
embraced." - Dr. Porche'
Data is a powerful tool and it tells a story. It also Finally, the last step is to engage, collaborate, and
provides a prediction of what is to come and shapes implement new ideas and policies that promote the
policies that are the results of data-driven decision student-first philosophy.
This data will provide us with an in-depth look at
When it comes to analyzing data for an educational each student showing details about the age of onset
platform, we have to go deeper to truly understand of their deafness, the process of their language
the "small stuff" that impacts the dynamic of acquisition, and academic performance over time.
learning and relationship with our students, cohorts, This, along with the data that provides us a snapshot
and stakeholders. of Fanwood, we will have a better understanding of
how to meet the needs of our students and staff.
This is not a small nor easy task and it takes
extraordinary confidence to engage in a Adopting a data-driven and evidence-driven
constructive, honest dialogue. As we embrace the philosophy is the key to becoming a model school,
data-driven philosophy, there are a series of steps and this cannot be accomplished without the
such as accepting and embracing the facts that there amazing team that we have. We must first
are strengths and weakness, and that nothing is acknowledge and embrace the data and to find a
perfect. The second step is to analyze and positively solution.
ask the right questions.
Where do we go from here?
What can we do for our students and staff?
How can we best support a program?
What additional trainings should we provide?
What type of policy should we establish to address
the areas of concern?
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