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Taurus 2013 Horoscope (Apr 21 - May 21):

You will meet strangers with whom who you can make up and finally become good friends. Persons with Taurus signs are very friendly but egoistic at some point of life. Therefore, it is advised to keep your ego in control as it can create huge troubles for you in the last months of the year.

Gemini 2013 Horoscope (May 22 - Jun 21):

This year, the stability in your love life will be a topic of major priority among you and your partner. You will want to give a good attention and time to your partner but will not succeed and fulfill it to the extent the second person is expecting from you which may cause disturbance in your relationship.

Cancer 2013 Horoscope (Jun 22 - Jul 23):

Venus will grant the power and strength in you to make a good amount of earning along with the extra earning. This year, you will test your potential and would feel like developing new skills for earning more money. Overall, money will not be a major constraint for you in the first few months. You may feel the need in the last few months of 2013.

Leo 2013 Horoscope (Jul 24 - Aug 23):

Leo is symbolized by the lion and it is the fifth zodiac sign in the astrological calendar. Leos are often regarded as extrovert, masculine and positivist. Leo son sign is associated with the element fire and it comes under the fifth house. In the year 2013, you will feel a bit lighter and creative. You will have a desire to get more popularity at work and personal life which you will gain after doing a considerable amount of hard work and good deeds.

Virgo 2013 Horoscope (Aug 24 - Sep 23):

As far as vitality is concerned, your energy is discrete than ordinary.You spontaneously channelize if something goes wrong or whenever you feel low. Keep a lance on what you eat because what goes inside you wil show outside.Your mental acuity will be of at one of the best levels this year.

Capricorn 2013 Horoscope (Dec 22 - Jan 20):

You enter the field of Eros through a large door this year. Your love life will be progressive to an extent. The initiative made by you will give you satisfying results. Therefore, it is advised to give considerable amount of time to your loved one for a joyous and blissful love life.