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:: Horoscopes ::

Scorpio 2013 Horoscope (Oct 24 - Nov 22):

Your love life will be pretty romantic by the first few months but due to the work pressure in your partner's life, you might feel neglected and avoided. Your thinking will keep changing as the time changes but it can affect your relationship. Therefore, it is advised to keep away all the negative thoughts.

Aries 2013 Horoscope (March 21 - April 20):

A remarkable change in progress can be seen in the year 2013 for Aries. Astrologers advise to choose the right and proceed further in life with the suggestion and advice from elders. This will help regain your foothold in career as well as personal life.

Aquarius 2013 Horoscope (Jan 21 - Feb 19):

Your professional life will undergo various changes which may trigger your work. One gives you new directives to apply at work whereas other tells you to work the same way you have been doing. The final decision is yours. Such tricky situations may arise in the mid of the 2013. Therefore, a good planning and organization is required.

Pisces 2013 Horoscope (Feb 20 - Mar 20):

Vitality will remain good. Apart from the mental stress that you may experience at work, the rest physical strength will be on peak. Consult a nutritionist expert for a good and healthy diet to be energetic throughout the year.

Sagittarius 2013 Horoscope (Nov 23 - Dec 21):

According to the astrologers, the year 2013, will prove to be emotionally tiring and stressful in terms of love. No doubt, you will be satisfied by the love life with your partner but may see tensions with family. It is advised to do not over react on things and handle issues carefully.

Libra 2013 Horoscope (Sep 24 - Oct 23):

Libra 2013 vitality horoscope predicts that Libras will enjoy a healthy mental as well as physical life in 2013. The last few months of the year should be given good consideration emotionally.