where all the members of
the family can thrive,” says
the Foundation of Valencia
CF decided to plump
for Lim wholeheartedly.
Their decision perplexed
Desmond. “I asked the
Spanish people why they
picked our offer and they
told me: ‘Yours might
not be the best package
financially but we believe
that you can deliver
whatever you put on the
table. Sometimes, we
don’t even believe that our
government will deliver
on their promises. But, we
trust that Singaporeans
can achieve what they say
they will.’”
Ironically, the people he
was helping also helped
him to find out more about
himself and about the
qualities of life.
It was an honest admission
that both startled and
excited Desmond.
We always hear words of
admiration from tourists
and travellers who marvel at our
efficiency and clean streets. A
trip overseas yields approving
nods from the learned locals
when we tell them that we’re
from Singapore; they’re always
wishing that their country is half as
organised as our Little Red Dot. On
the outside, we puff our chests in
pride but on the inside, we silently
dismiss Z\