Family Life Center Newsletter October 2013 | Page 2

MDE 21st Century Community Learning Center Program Capital City Alternative School Family Life Center Achievements CCAS student, Stefon Brown, is receiving homework assistance from Tougaloo College volunteer, Myles James. 2012-2013 Top 5 Volunteers With The Most Hours ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tammishiquia Jones Ezekiel Ross (summer) Amber Woods Shurunda Johnson Mousetta Spann Family Life Center Volunteer of the Year ! Tammishiquia Jones Family Life Center Student of the Year Elijah Brown Quotable Corner “A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch from others. Be a carrier.” ! The Tougaloo College Family Life Center (FLC) will begin the 21st Century Community Learning Center funded by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) with participants from Capital City Alternative School (CCAS) November 12, 2013. The FLC will begin recruiting eager students ranging from ages 11-16 during the month of October at Capital City Alternative School’s parent orientation. This fall and winter CCAS participants will be afforded the opportunities of engaging in activities such as a Thanksgiving fellowship incentive and a Christmas gift sponsorship with Tougaloo College Students and FLC community partners. ! C.H.A.N.G.E. Me This year the Family Life Center’s mentoring program for the 21st Century Community Learning Center and S.W.A.G.G. Academy will resume under the name C.H.A.N.G.E. ME rather than “Big Brother and Big Sister” and will be supported by a United Way of the Capital Area mini grant awarded in July 2013. C.H.A.N.G.E. ME stands for Conquering Hurdles Against Negative Groups Empowers ME which represents the actual results of our participants benefitting from having a positive role model in their lives that supports their full potential as an individual. Capital City Alternative Students (2009-2010 cohort) came up with the name while participating with the 21st Century Community Learning Center. - Tom Stoppard The S.W.A.G.G. Academy and 21st Century participants are selected by Tougaloo College students, and the Tougaloo College students serve as mentors for the participants. All mentors are still required to attend training and monthly skill building sessions that will help enhance the mentor/mentee rapport. The mentors meet with their mentee at least twice each month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. This year each month is centered around a ‘theme’ such as Life Goals, Personal Motivation, and Self-Esteem of which will drive the conversation and support provided by the mentor . Apply online today! | For more information, call 601-977-7768 or 1-888-42-GALOO (1-888-424-2566) Tougaloo College | 500 W. County Line Road | Tougaloo, MS 39174 Phone: 601.977.4437 Fax: 601.977.4493