tougaloo college
f mily life
Shemar Fields enjoys time on the computer
during a literacy assessment.
Tougaloo College S.W.A.G.G. Academy
Student Warriors Amplifying
Gentlemanly Greatness
The Tougaloo College SWAGG
Academy funded by W.K. Kellogg Foundation
began Tuesday October 1, 2013. Tougaloo
College SWAGG Academy is designed to
provide 50 (fif ty) Walton and Brown
elementary school males with amazing
opportunities to learn more about positive
lifestyles and enhance their capacity to make
healthier life choices. The overall goal of the
program is to provide these school young
men safe places with organized
choreographed initiatives centered on literacy
d eve l o p m e n t , a m e a n i n g f u l / s t e a d f a s t
of Jackson in efforts directly impact the lives
mentoring relationships with a college student
of these young men positively.
enrolled in the Tougaloo Man program,
(Continued on p. 3)
community ser vices oppor tunities t hat
promote a value for the integrity of
citizenship, and guidance on embracing
healthy choices and lifestyles.
This Fall, the
Family Life Center will also continue is
ongoing interaction with community partners
and formulate the establishment of Black
Male Assault for Aligning Achievement
Consortium with agencies such as Jackson
Public Schools, United Way, the Jackson
Medical Mall Foundation, Coalition of
Schools Education Boys of Color (COSEBOC),
table of contents
21st Community Learning Center
SWAGG Academy
Upcoming Activities
AmeriCorp VISTA
Marion Counseling, and Office of the Mayor
The George A. and Ruth B. Owens Health and Wellness Center (OHWC) connects
with other institutional and community based organizations to enhance its capacity
and provide access to primary care, quality health education and state of the art
fitness services to residents throughout the state. By partnering with other
organizations with similar program goals and objectives, OHWC can optimize the
limited resources available, as well as leverage new funding opportunities to address
the unmet needs in our target communities in the State of Mississippi.