Fall Program Guide | Page 6

What types of services does Inclusion provide ?
Reasons to Request Inclusion Support

Inclusion Services

NSSRA recognizes that some individuals with disabilities would benefit from social opportunities available by participating in programs offered through their local park district or recreation department . Inclusion provides a choice for individuals of varying abilities to experience recreation programming within their community .
Inclusion services are offered to residents of NSSRA ’ s 13 partner communities at no additional cost to the family . Inclusion support may come in the form of one or more of the following : program observation , staff training , program modifications / adaptations , modified equipment , and / or an Inclusion Companion .
An Inclusion Companion ’ s role is to blend into the program with the partner agency staff while providing the appropriate amount of support to promote independence .
What types of services does Inclusion provide ?
s s s s s s s
Activity Modification Disability Awareness Training Behavior Management Support Observation and Evaluations Adaptive Equipment Visual Systems Varying Levels of Staff Support
Reasons to Request Inclusion Support
s A parent or family member recognizes that a participant would benefit from additional support in a partner agency program .
s The partner agency staff identifies a need for additional support , for safety and programmatic reasons and communicates this need to the family .
6 nssra . org / programs | ( 847 ) 509-9400 Inclusion Services