How to Register
Important Dates
Program Lottery
Required for Registration
Registration Information
How to Register
Online at nssra . org Email your registration form to registration @ nssra . org Fax to ( 847 ) 509-1177
Drop Off or Mail to 1221 County Line Rd . Highland Park , IL 60035
ɢ The NSSRA registration form can be downloaded , or submitted at NSSRA . org / forms .
Important Dates
Registration Dates : July 29 - August 9 Fall Program Dates : September 23 - November 23
No Program Dates : October 2 ( after 4pm ) October 3 October 11 ( after 4pm ) October 12
Program Lottery
NSSRA uses a lottery system for programs . When participants register for a program , they will be put on a waitlist until the lottery is conducted . You don ' t need to make any payment during registration . The outcome of the lottery will be communicated to all participants by Thursday , August 15 . You will receive a receipt via your primary email address , which will list the programs you are enrolled in , and payment will be expected by Friday , August 23 .
If the program you selected is in high demand and becomes full during the lottery , you will remain on the waiting list . Your position on the list will be determined by the lottery results and will be specified on your receipt . We will do our best to accommodate the waitlists . Openings in programs are dependent on factors such as staff availability , transportation , facility space , and pre-purchased tickets . NSSRA staff will regularly review the waitlists during the season and will contact you if a spot becomes available in a program .
Required for Registration
Current ePACT profile including general participant information . as well as detailed information about seizures , medication , allergies , and other other information .
Contact our office to receive an email invite to share information with NSSRA .
Click ‘ Complete Request ’ to create a free account or log in if you already have an existing ePACT account .
Enter the required information , like medical conditions , and share it with NSSRA so that program staff has access .
You can update this information anytime a change happens .
ePACT information must be reconfirmed on an annual basis . If you need assistance , please contact the front office .
Have questions ? Don ’ t hesitate to get in touch with us at registration @ nssra . org .
Fall 2024 ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 5