Fall Program Guide | Page 23

Chef ' s Creations
Private Piano Lessons
Chef ' s Creations
Age : 7 - 21 Min / Max : 4 / 6 Location : Slotnick Center / NSSRA , Highland Park
Grab your apron and chef hat , and join us in NSSRA ' s teaching kitchen on Tuesday afternoons ! Channel your inner cooking connoisseur and dabble with new cuisines . Each week , participants will follow step-by-step recipes to whip up a delicious culinary creation . Prepare to measure , slice , mix , and cook some delightful dishes !
Private Piano Lessons
Age : 3 and up Min / Max : 3 / 6 Location : Slotnick Center / NSSRA , Highland Park
Are you interested in learning how to play the piano ? Our program provides 30-minute individual lessons on the piano , developed by a music therapist . You don ' t need any prior skills or experience to join the program . The instruction will be tailored based on your needs and skill level .
Goals :
s Increase kitchen safety . s Learn basic cooking skills . s Create healthy habits .
Time : 4:30 - 5:45 pm Day : Tuesday Dates : September 24 - November 19 Program Code / Fee : 442002-01 / $ 130 ɢ
Goals :
Returning participants have priority for their same time slot from the previous season . You are welcome to state a time preference ; however , no spaces are guaranteed .
NSSRA will notify you of your assigned half-hour time slot before the start of the program .
Participants who are not independent at drop-off will need a guardian to stay on-site during the lesson . The guardian will be responsible for all behavior needs , medical decisions , and personal care needs during the time of the program . s
Develop an understanding and appreciation of music .
s Increase ability to follow instructions . s
Promote the development of fine motor skills required to play an instrument .
Time : 4:30 - 7:30 pm Dates : September 10 - December 10 No Program : November 26 Program Code / Fee : 442003-01 / $ 669
Time : 4:30 - 7:30 pm Dates : September 11 - December 11 No Program : October 2 ,
November 27 Program Code / Fee :
442003-11 / $ 617
Fall 2024 ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 23