Fall Newsletter MGJCL fall newsletter part | Page 3

st at e conv ent ion St at e Convent ion has always been quit e t he experience. From t oilet s exploding t o st range sounds in t he m iddle of t he night , t here?s always som et hing t hat goes down. But t hat ?s t he t hing--St at e Convent ion is just t he best event . Every JCLer in t he ent ire st at e has t he opport unit y t o com e t oget her t o spend one, sleep deprived, classically jam -packed weekend as a m ass of MassJCLers. The 2017 MassJCL St at e Convent ion was by far t he m ost exhilarat ing convent ion. Aft er arriving at t he beaut iful St urbridge Convent ion Cent er, a num ber of us m eandered about , m aking new friends and rem iniscing about past convent ions. Rachel Bisson and Hugh Sanford, our st at e officers, worked behind t he scenes during Convent ion t o put on t he num erous event s and act ivit ies for st udent s t o do. Finally, aft er a wonderful dinner of sandwiches, we headed t o General Assem bly (GA) One for speeches and ot her announcem ent s. The candidat es for st at e office t his year were phenom enal. While t here were few cont est ed cam paigns, a m ajorit y of t he officer-hopefuls st ill poured t heir heart s out int o t heir cam paigns, focusing on reform and, m ore im port ant ly, m em es. Tim Liu, who ran for t he office of First Vice President (1VP), secured t he spot in a t ough-fought cam paign. Through t he use of cam paign-orient ed m em es, such as his slogan ?Wot in TIMnat ion!? Tim picked up speed t o becom e a fan-favorit e. The office of 3 Second Vice president (2VP), on t he ot her hand, was a bat t le in which no candidat e won. While t hree cont est ant s ent ered t he arena, no one em erged wit h a m ajorit y vot e, causing a St at e of Em ergency (which was resolved post -convent ion when t he 2017-2018 St at e Officers chose Tam sin Edwards of Mass Academ y t o fulfill t he dut ies of t he 2VP). Besides helping m e wit h m y cam paign for Publicat ions Edit or, st udent s from Mount Greylock part icipat ed in a plet hora of ot her act ivit ies. Besides helping m e wit h m y cam paign for Publicat ions Edit or, st udent s from Mount Greylock part icipat ed in a plet hora of ot her act ivit ies. Continued page 5 " Fr om t oil et s ex pl oding t o st r ange sounds in t he middl e of t he night , t her e?s al ways somet hing t hat goes down. " Pr esi den t : Jack LeBlanc Fi r st VP: Sam Tr ybus Secon d VP: Aver y Pow er s Secr et ar y: Gr ace Kelley Tr easu r er : Katr ina Hotaling MEET THE BOARD Par l i am en t ar i an : Evan Sher idan Hi st or i an : Colette Stapp Pu bl i cat i on s Edi t or : M or gan Nottke Tech Coor di n at or : Ruth Weaver