Fall Newsletter MGJCL fall newsletter part | Page 2
Salvet e Om nes!
I hope t hat it has been a wonderful
sum m er
for all of
you and
now t hat
st art ed,
back at it
again here at t he MGJCL. St rap in for an
incredible 2017- 2018 year! This year t he
MassJCL Publicat ions Edit or is our very
own Jacob Hane and we are so lucky t o be
able t o work wit h him here at our school. I
am planning t o have t hree publicat ions
t his year: Fall 2017, Wint er 2017-2018, and
Spring 2018. I am so excit ed t o share wit h
you all t he am azing t hings t hat we here at
MGJCL do and t he beaut iful people behind
t hem .
I am so im m ensely honored t o be
your Publicat ions Edit or and plan t o m ake
t his year one t o rem em ber. I look for ward
t o fulfilling m y dut ies as your Mount
Greylock Publicat ions Edit or and hope
everyone at MGJCL and t he rest of JCL as a
whole has a great year!
Ex Anim o,
Salve Mount
Greylock JCL,
This is your President , Jack LeBlanc,
com ing right t o you from t he Mount Greylock
Newslet t er. Our board is busy at work right now
planning t he st at e wide MassJCL event : Kick Off.
Planning t his event is really t iring but ext rem ely
rewarding. At t he m om ent I?m working on t he
pum pkin paint ing segm ent where we have
JCLers all grab som e paint brushes and just have
at som e pum pkins.
In t he next few weeks we will be having
our induct ion cerem ony as well! We?ll be
induct ing all of our new and old m em bers int o
MGJCL as well as eat ing som e pizza and
wat ching a m ovie. This event is happening m uch
earlier in t he year com pared t o previous years
which will hopefully get m ore m em bers t o go t o
Kick Off and m ake t hem feel like t hey?ve joined
in t he beginning of t he year inst ead of halfway
t hrough it .
We are get t ing so m uch st uff done
already and it ?s all t hanks t o our wonderful
board. I?m t ruly blessed t o be working wit h so
m any t alent ed and wonderful people. Looking
forward t his year looks t o be our m ost
successful in a
very long t im e.
This is t he year t o
look out for Mount
Greylock JCL at
St at es!
Not t ke
Jack LeBlanc