CLDA Mag : What will no longer work to get and keep good team members ?
Marks :
Making people come to the office when they don ’ t physically need to be there .
Punwani :
Micromanaging and focusing on hours put in versus total production .
Le :
A high turnover rate is going to wear everyone out . Empty driver seats will increase workload on current good drivers . If you do not have a good retention process , you will be stuck in the same cycle . Create a firm retention plan that includes reaching out , listening , and adjusting .
CLDA Mag : What will be the best ways to retain employees and independent drivers in 2023 ?
Marks : Make sure your compensation is in the range of competitiveness by looking at sites like PayScale , Glassdoor and Salaries . com . Then provide a safe , fun , happy and flexible workplace . People want to enjoy where they work !
Punwani :
Recognition and rewarding performance . Even if it ’ s just a pat on the back , or publicly expressing your appreciation for an employee who goes the extra mile .
You might also consider setting up an ESOP or another type of employee ownership plan . It is a hugely popular benefit that gives employees equity and a say in where they work .
Le : Be a good listener and do not be scared to honestly let team members know what can and cannot be accomplished . Get involved with your team regularly ! CLDA
... communicate to team members on where they stand and where they can go in your company .
Tim Cocchia , Xcel Delivery Kenya Guess , BonnieSpeed Logistcis Ruth Ospino , Tempo Transportation , LLC Melanie Rogers , Richmond Express Brian Surber , Priority Dispatch Ryan Schwalbach , NOW Courier
The Customized Logistics & Delivery Magazine is a quarterly publication by the Customized Logistics & Delivery Association ( CLDA ).
18 customized logistics & delivery Magazine FALL 2022