Fall Magazine | Page 17

... provide a safe , fun , happy and flexible workplace . People want to enjoy where they work !
Commit yourself to having a dedicated culture so you can attract the right talent . Culture is all about having three to five core values and being consistently loyal to them . I have seen some of the most talented people leave organizations because they were not the right fit for that culture .
Le : Two things : 1 . Provide your team with a rewarding and worthwhile endeavor and you will thrive . People want to take care of their families and community . To be good at this they must also be content at home . Work-related stress affects our abilities to connect with our significant others away from the office .
2 . Hire retirees ! Inflation diminished the value of retirement accounts which means older individuals may be looking to work again . It is a great crowd , familiar with hard work and consistency making them good and dependable team members .
CLDA Mag : Why will 2023 be different for those managing people in the logistics sector ?
Marks : The labor market will soften , which will be good news for businesses . There will still be an excess of open jobs , but that number will decline . All of this is due to an inevitable economic slowdown .
Punwani :
Final-mile is one of the fastest growing modes of transportation out there . Between that growth , the boom in technology , and the changing workplace , the one constant for leaders will be the need to embrace consistent change .
In 2023 , I think the leaders who can manage both in-person and remote employees , will be able to think a few steps ahead , and fully adapt to policy changes , will be the most successful .
Le :
The federal government has increasingly impacted the logistics sector . Stay informed and prepared for upcoming regulations and changes . Doing so will help you properly respond to what ’ s on the horizon . Opportunities will arise to put your company and people in the right place simply by being prepared with information .
CLDA Mag : What will be the most productive ways to attract new people in 2023 ?
Marks :
Employee referrals . Also , think about canvassing at retail / restaurants to uncover people with energy , talent and drive who can be taught .
Punwani : Having a defined culture and articulated career paths .
Le :
Have the best person involved in the hiring process . They should be good listeners who are able to discern what candidates want . Individuals speaking with candidates need to have the capacity to care , listen and empathize . Companies can gain traction in the area of staffing simply by focusing on the benefits important to a candidate . You may not win on pay or other areas , but you may be able to offer something unique and important to the candidate . The new hires you will want are the ones who are excited about the values of your company and the future ahead .
... provide a safe , fun , happy and flexible workplace . People want to enjoy where they work !
fall 2022 customized logistics & delivery Magazine 17