Ways to Connect
https://www.facebook.com/mscira - Look for information about upcoming events, new book releases, and links to interesting literacy information
Please join Dr. Bommarito as he talks about articles in this issue on twitter! @doctorsam7 #MoRdr AND
on his blog https://doctorsam7.blog/
Visit our website
CHAIRMAN's Message
Ways to Connect
https://www.facebook.com/mscira - Look for information about upcoming events, new book releases, and links to interesting literacy information
Please join Dr. Bommarito as he talks about articles in this issue on twitter! @doctorsam7 #MoRdr
Visit our website
http://www.missouri reading.org/
Find a local council and join!
Dates to Remember
Write to Learn Conference
International Literacy Association Conference
Dates to Remember
Missouri Write to Learn
March 7-8 2024
Columbia Missouri
Ways to Connect
https://www.facebook.com/mscira - Look for information about upcoming events, new book releases, and links to interesting literacy information
Editors' Expressions
Steve Baybo
At the start of each new year, one of my favorite signs of the hope that accompanies a fresh beginning is the energy and focus given to having a clear purpose. One of my favorite ways to see this play out is with the selection of One Word, a commitment to moving into a new space with clarity, purpose, and passion.
When I think of the year ahead for the Missouri Literacy Association, the word that has come to my mind over and over is Reconnect. Like many in our post-Covid culture, we are recommitting to our purpose and the opportunities that lie ahead. A lot has changed over the past few years, but what matters the most has stayed the same: our need to work together, our need to continue growing and learning, and our need to contribute to the field of education in a way that is purposeful and impactful.
As I take the lead as Chair of MLA this year, I’m excited about the possibilities and reconnections that lie ahead. I can’t wait to share opportunities with our members to strengthen our organization and one another. I look forward to building new relationships with members who are just joining MLA for the first time and to strengthening relationships with our long-time members. Most of all, I hope that we all grow this year in our skills, our knowledge, our passion for teaching, and our connections (and reconnections) with one another.
For those who are already members of MLA, thank you. It is because of you that we continue to grow in both numbers and opportunities. We look forward to bringing you a year of excellence and connection, and hope to bring you many chances to get involved and reconnect with MLA.
For those who are considering joining MLA, we can’t wait to welcome you! Opportunities await at both the local and state levels, and we would love to include your talents in this incredible organization. You’ve already taken the first step in learning about our work by opening this issue of The Missouri Reader, and we encourage you to connect with us on our Facebook page and website. Joining is easy and affordable (especially for students and first time members!), and we can’t wait to build new connections with you!
https://mla31.wildapricot.org/ and Facebook page.